


Your athletic career depends on you being at your best.

         As one of the less than 10% as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians, properly trained doctors are important and sports performance is important.  I am here for you for life.  Since I don’t want to brag, I want you to here from our testimonials from NFL, Olympic, and NBA athletes, coaches and therapists.  You want your body to perform at it’s best so you want the best plans to get you there, but also keep you there.  I played 3 sports in college and when coaches told him the scouts were coming in football and baseball professionally workouts intensified and made things worse.   Bad workout habits and lack of proper care slowed me down.  Chronic knee tendonitis, ankle sprains, and back and neck tightness were the most common symptoms.  Going to the top, I got to learn from the best and am grateful.  There are doctors and therapist who have helped me heal and heal others.  The top medical doctors, surgeons, pt’s, and chiropractors couldn’t the issues and failed surgeries left me with chronic pain, floppy knee caps that would flop out just when riding a bike, herniated discs, the worst asthma and allergies, and chronic headaches.  Even though I was in the male athlete of the year, voted most athletic, and inducted in the hall of fame in high school I wasn’t healthy. Your body is designed to perform.  All these problems are now gone and I am pain free –due to the programs I developed and applied from years of learning from the best.  I have developed a technique called Advanced Flexibility and Muscle Balance - AFMB for short.  With proper muscle alignment and balance, the body can be aligned properly to the joint, disc, and even nerve to organ and muscle level.  This all means increased performance of all systems.  It also will point out asymmetry in your each muscle and joint group to determine cause of potential injury and decrease in performance.  The power from the nerves and central nervous system, heart conditioning, muscle conditioning, nutrition, water, oxygen, maximized mind and spirit all play apart.

            Our care reduces injury rates and recovery time while increasing performance factors like energy, focus, mental clarity and training productivity. On top of that, we give athletes and teams a lifestyle that maximizes the body’s function in all aspects of life.

Our program for athletes and teams includes:

1)    On a volunteer basis delivering the programs unless otherwise agreed upon.
2)    Healthcare evaluations and treatment tailored to each athlete and needs of the team
3)    Classes and group sessions to learn and have the athlete apply themselves.


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


7:00 am-10:30 am

2:30 pm-6:30 pm


2:30 pm-6:30 pm


7:00 am-10:30 am

2:30 pm-6:30 pm


2:30 pm-6:30 pm


7:00 am-10:30 am

2:30 pm-6:30 pm


7:00 am-10:30 am

By Appointment




Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Patient since 2002 and I feel better now than I did then! Feel great - maintenance (consistency) is the key. My XRays have stayed the same for 7-10 years."
    Drew Gosling
  • "Dr. Hydes is an exceptional chiropractor and displays great care for his patients. I came to Dr. Hyde with neck pains and issues dealing with post collegiate athletics and with his background was able to diagnose the problem right away and begin treatment. I would recommend Dr. Hyde for athletic chiropractic treatment."
    Christopher Arthurs
  • "Dr Hyde is amazing. The care that he's provided me and my family started with the most comprehensive -education I've ever experienced. And does it in a way that's easy to understand. As a former professional soccer player I've experienced a myriad of injuries.. head, neck, back, knees, hip, you name it. I've lived through pain most of my life. In a relatively short period of time, I've already started to feel the therapeutic and healing results of his treatments. I highly recommend him."
    Lare Arra